Health Tourism in the Czech Republic: The Most Popular Resorts

Health Tourism in the Czech Republic: The Most Popular Resorts

The Czech Republic, located in the heart of the European continent, attracts travelers with its hospitality, special local color, and numerous architectural monuments. Many tourists visiting this splendid country are also interested in the spicy massage massages in Prague and the famous local beer. But the most common reason for foreigners to come to the Czech Republic is a recovery vacation. This article will tell you about the peculiarities of sanatorium treatment in this region and the most famous Czech resorts, which are its pearls.

The Pros of Sanatorium-Resort Recreation in the Country

Prague, Czechia

We can name at least a few priority features of recovery in the Czech Republic, thanks to which this wonderful country has gained a solid status of a European health resort.

  1. Possibility of treatment with natural resources. Czech spas are predominantly balneological. They are located in places where mineral water wells are created by nature. Such water has unique, powerful healing and preventive properties. Effective mud treatment is also practiced in the Czech Republic.
  2. A picturesque, extremely beautiful area. During your vacation, you can enjoy the magnificent scenery of the mountainous and forested area, which leaves no one indifferent.
  3. Availability of advanced diagnostic and medical base. Each of the Czech Republic’s health resorts has the latest equipment and a staff of highly qualified, experienced doctors with various industry specifics who use proven treatment methods and patented author’s methods.
  4. Premium European service. It means the developed infrastructure of all resorts, the best medical care, perfectly comfortable accommodation conditions, and the organization of interesting, exciting leisure programs for holidaymakers, taking into account their age, lifestyle, health, and interests.
  5. The presence of many sights and unique natural, architectural, and cultural monuments that can be visited. This is an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the country’s historical past and learn about its outstanding figures and the most attractive places of leisure and entertainment for tourists.

Czech health resorts have excursion bureaus that offer fascinating itineraries accompanied by attentive and competent guides.

Top 5 Czech Resorts

The most popular and attractive for those wishing to combine an unforgettable vacation with the treatment or prevention of diseases in the Czech Republic are these locations:

Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary, Czechia

They are called the pearl of the country. This spa town is surrounded on all sides by healing springs. The basic profile of its health resorts is the treatment and prevention of digestive system problems. It is worth visiting Karlovy Vary for those who want to improve the health of the musculoskeletal apparatus, joints, and spine. Diabetics are also successfully treated here. Many foreigners, including citizens of neighboring Germany, come to the local spa.


Poděbrady, Czechia

There are many sanatoriums concentrated here, which offer treatment of cardiological pathologies. As a result of special therapeutic and preventive courses, patients of health resorts have an opportunity to strengthen weak hearts and vessels, and stabilize blood circulation processes and blood supply to various parts of the body. Poděbrady specialists offer their spa guests various types of massages, hydrotherapy, health-improving baths, and inhalation procedures. Paraffin therapy and electrotherapy are used here.


Teplice, Czechia

The unique thermal springs are the specialty of the Czech Republic spa, which has brought it international fame and recognition. Here you can heal your joints and spine, stabilize the central nervous system and cardiovascular system. 

The spa is well known as a rehabilitation resort. Thermal waters of Teplice are used for mineral baths and other balneological procedures. Tourists from all corners of Europe vacation and receive treatment here.

Mariánské Lázně

Mariánské Lázně, Czechia

There are several springs in the territory of this spa resort, the water in which has a completely different chemical composition. Each of the natural wells produces water with special therapeutic properties. This feature makes Mariánské Lázně spa complexes universal in terms of treatment. Spa guests who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, allergy sufferers, people with metabolic problems, metabolic processes, as well as diseases of the respiratory and urinary system come here. The main contingent of tourists coming here are residents of Western European countries.


Jáchymov, Czechia

This is one of the Czech Republic’s iconic spas, famous for its healing thermal springs and highly effective radon water treatment. Those with circulatory disorders and joint inflammations are treated here. Patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases are also helped in Jáchymov.

The methods of treatment during health improvement and prevention courses vary from traditional methods of mud and water therapy to radon baths and special physiotherapeutic procedure brachyradium therapy, which helps to get rid of neoplasms.

The largest number of thermal springs is located in Mariánské Lázně, where there are four dozen of them, and the least number of such natural wells in Teplice (only two). The most budget-friendly vacation option is available in Karlovy Vary (from €900 for two people for a week), and the most expensive is in Teplice (from €1500). The closest resort to Prague is Poděbrady, as it is only 50 km from the capital.
